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Identity and Programme Launch


2016 marks the most ambitious GDFS programme yet with 16 workshops, 2 conferences and panel discussions, 3 international exhibitions, an international poster competition, a Live Project with 12 of the top studios in Scotland, a party in collaboration with 12th Isle, a short film festival and a lot of drinks and music across 7 days. It’s going to be a rollercoaster. On the 18th of May at an event appropriately named 'What's Happening?' we released the fresh new identity for GDFS, presented the full 2016 programme and launched the new website. 5gdfs-whats-happening9gdfs-whats-happening4gdfs-whats-happening13gdfs-whats-happening The evening was kicked off by James Gilchrist, co-founder of Warriors Studio and GDFS and Daniel Freytag co-founder of Freytag Anderson who offered an insight into the collaboration and concept behind the new identity which explores process and dialogue. The 2016 identity was designed through a collaboration between Warriors Studio and Freytag Anderson. “We are very aware of designers’ tendencies to present polished resolved work all of the time, but the journey and process are equally as important and can also be equally as interesting” 12gdfs-whats-happening“This identity is about the journey as opposed to the destination.” - James Gilchrist, co-founder of Warriors Studio. Large format posters were hung in the space alongside a selection of work in progress prints, experiments and long-abandoned routes which the identity could have taken. Showing these works in progress re-enforce the open, on-going, journey which this year's identity stands for. Greig Anderson, co-founder of Freytag Anderson said: “We realised that the festival itself is a place for design and creative expression and experimentation of ideas and the identity should be about capturing that very same process” 2gdfs-whats-happening 15gdfs-whats-happening You can find out more about the identity over on It's Nice That: http://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/warriors-studio-freytag-anderson-gdfs-identity-310516 Beth Wilson and James Gilchrist, co-founders of GDFS then introduced the full action-packed 2016 programme and all of the incredible guests they will be welcoming to Glasgow in October before thanking each of their partners for their support in making GDFS possible. The night was complete with music from 12th Isle and an abundance of drinks from Tennent's. 11gdfs-whats-happening8gdfs-whats-happening6gdfs-whats-happening 7gdfs-whats-happening3gdfs-whats-happening

Introducing Lamm & Kirch


After receiving Lamm & Kirch’s submissions to our International Poster Competition and seeing the consistently high quality work they produce for clients like Spector Books, Institut für Buchkunst (Leipzig), Goethe Institute (Abu Dahbi) and Archithese (Zürich) we approached them with an invitation to sit on the jury for our 2016 International Poster Competition. We’re now […]

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What’s Happening? – 18.05.16


Join us for the unveiling of the brand new 2016 identity and October Programme with an evening of talks, music, drinks and design to celebrate Graphic Design Festival Scotland 2016! 6.30pm Wednesday 18th May 2016 The Lighthouse, 11 Mitchell Ln, Glasgow G1 3NU This is your opportunity to grab the first tickets for GDFS 2016, […]

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