Live 2-Day Project 2014
Posted on: 02/11/2014
The Live 2-Day Project involves 2 days of intense productivity, in a large, open-plan, high-energy environment, with all participants, working on the same brief individually, with mentoring, creative direction and one-to-one advice from eight of Scotland’s top creative studios: Freytag Anderson, Graphical House, MadeBrave, O Street, Recoat, Risotto, STV Creative and Touch.
Participants then presented their work to the mentors, who shortlisted the two strongest in their group, who each were offered work placements and the opportunity to present to an internationally renowned panel made to review their work. The panel included It’s Nice That, a creative media company who run an online blog reach 250K unique visits every month, a symposium of creative events, promote talent, and ‘champion creativity’, Grafik Magazine, one of the longest standing running graphic arts magazines and platforms, who boast 560K+ followers and INT Works, a cutting edge London-based design studio working with clients like Nike, MTV, Cos, Urban Outfitters, Channel 4, Unilever, Converse and Selfridges. The results from the 104 participants with such a short timeframe were extremely impressive.
16 student and graduates received work placements through the Live 2-Day Project in 2014 and hundreds were connected with potential employers, with four now in full time employment as a result (that we know of).
The top three winners received work placements across Scotland, online features and GDFS Best Up-and-coming 2014 award and a design bundle including a trophy, hard drive, publications, beers and notebooks!
The brief entitled “Do I Have Your Attention Yet?” Reminds participants that a huge aspect of modern culture revolves around obtaining and maintaining attention, and advances in technology mean we can generate and gain a lot of attention very quickly through mass media. The project also asks the question, “What carries more value, physical or digital exposure?”. Particpants were asked to be as creative as possible in generating as much attention as they could and direct it towards something they create or organise, something they believe in, real or fictional, positive or negative.
In 1st place, came Molly Wilson of Edinburgh College of Art who decided to attain the attention of her school and Glasgow School of Art, two schools with a history of competition and bitterness, with a campaign of ‘cross-college love’. Molly hosted a false wedding for the schools, and through well executed wedding invitations, an online profile and online engagement, met with the principal and directors of the schools through the careful ploy of a ‘flower delivery’. A dialogue was opened between the schools and a long-held silence was broken.
In 2nd place, Amy Watt, also of Edinburgh College of Art decided to grab the attention of a boy in her group at the festival and direct all of it towards her, through a mysterious trail of delicate folded notes and love letters. The compliments progressively became more and more personal compliments and as the two days progressed, she finally gained Frank’s attention and a date was arranged!
In 3rd place, Rachel Davey, who decided to invert the brief and direct the attention to herself – with a series of self-motivating quotes, animated GIFs, illustrations and a riso-printed dice to help you make more positive decisions! Check it out here.
2nd place: Amy Watt
2nd place: Amy Watt
1st place: Molly Rose